Topic Outline:
Human Error in Paramedicine
This session looks at the many areas in paramedicine subject to human factors blind spots. People often consider themselves to be unbiased; but what is bias? We all have environmental programming; gaps in thought and brain function presenting biased perspectives that can lead to medical errors. This talk will work to introduce some of the biases that exist in the paramedic work environment.
Patient Simulation in Paramedicine
Evidence suggests that patient simulation can provide a multitude of benefits within paramedic education. Areas of benefit include; simulation of core processes requiring muscle memory, exposure to low frequency call types, and job specific stress inoculation. Levels of simulation ranging from low to high fidelity and immersive virtual reality are expected to play a role in the future of paramedic education. This talk will open discussion surrounding the progression of simulation based paramedic educationin BC.
Clinical Case Presentations
The diversity in deployment required to best serve the citizens of BC is staggering in its expanse. This session will explore the roles paramedics of various license levels play in patient care. From point of injury or illness all the way to definitive care, the case studies presented will focus on care provided at each stage of the health continuum.
Current Research in Paramedicine
This one-hour block will be split into four overviews of current paramedic research in British Columbia. The session will focus on what is currently happening, what is potentially coming, and how paramedics are driving change in the profession.
Education Technology in Paramedicine
Through the lens of a guest lecturer, we will explore some of the current technology trends and tools being used to deliver paramedic education in Canada. How can we embrace these tech tools to enhance the classroom, learning, clinical knowledge and decision making of future paramedics?
Research Literacy for Paramedics
In medicine the onus is on the practitioner to critically analyze literature for bias, medical relevance, statistical relevance, process validity, data validity, and system applicability. What makes a strong study? What is a P value? How do qualitative and quantitative methodologies differ? This discussion will serve as an introduction to the realm of medical research for paramedics. Concepts of critical analysis will be introduced to help learners disseminate research concepts into palatable pieces.
Expanded Scope: Paramedic Practitioners in Rural BC
While tremendous work is taking place through community paramedic programs around Canada, the British Columbia Paramedic Association is interested in taking it a step further. Higher education directly addressing community needs will open opportunities for Paramedic Practitioners throughout rural British Columbia. This talk will explore the potential for an expanded paramedic practitioner role. Topics of focus will include working with nurse practitioners, family physicians, and rural patient populations.
Non-Traditional Paramedic Providers
The traditional paramedic provider responds to emergency calls by ground via an ambulance. As part of BCPA’s mandate to represent all paramedics, this session will focus on non-traditional paramedic roles. Heavy industry, event medicine, SAR, ski patrol… the list goes on. Take the opportunity to introduce yourself to another paramedic’s non-traditional role.
Panel Discussion: Higher Education & Self-Regulation
A panel of paramedics from varying areas of practice will discuss higher education and self-regulation. Educational paths panel members have chosen, the pros/cons of self-regulation, and routes BC paramedics can take to achieve goals in these areas will be the focus of discussion. The floor will be open for moderated questions from the audience.